Monday, September 21, 2009

Medicine That Delivers Headache Pain Relief

If you suffer from recurring tension headaches or migraines, talk to your doctor and find out if Fioricet is a good treatment option for you.

What is Fioricet?

Fioricet is a brand name for a combination drug used to treat tension headaches, migraines, and sometimes other types of pain (although Fioricet is not expressly labeled as a general pain reliever). Fioricet is available only with a doctor's prescription, but if you are under a doctor's care for tension-related headache problems, it might be worth talking to your doctor about the possibility of using Fioricet to control your recurring or serious headaches.

Fioricet contains three drugs: acetaminophen, butalbital, and caffeine.

Acetaminophen is a well-known and popular pain reliever that is also available over-the-counter (OTC). Acetaminophen is the active ingredient in Tylenol and other pain relievers. Since acetaminophen is readily available (and also found in many cough and cold products), patients taking Fioricet must be aware of the contents of any medications they are taking to avoid overdose.

Caffeine is also found in OTC drugs and in many foods and beverages, including coffee, tea, and colas. In Fioricet, caffeine is used to enhance the effectiveness of acetaminophen. When a patient is taking Fioricet, he or she should be careful to avoid most caffeine-containing substances to prevent overdose and caffeine-nervousness.

Butalbital is a member of the barbiturate class of drugs. It is a sedative that is used in Fioricet as a muscle-relaxer; the purpose of butalbital is to relieve the muscle tension associated with tension headaches. Since barbiturates can be habit-forming, care must be taken when using Fioricet to avoid dependency on the drug. Fioricet should only be taken as prescribed by the doctor, and patients should never exceed the recommended dose or use Fioricet more often than prescribed, even if the current dose is proving ineffective (diminished effectiveness may be a sign of tolerance and/or growing drug dependency?addiction). Patients with a history of drug-dependency may not be given Fioricet.

There are a number of side-effects associated with Fioricet use, and very rarely allergic reaction may occur. Side-effects of Fioricet may include vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, anxiety, nervousness, shaking/tremor, lightheadedness, dizziness, drowsiness, or shortness of breath. Some of these side-effects may actually be signs of misuse, dependency, or withdrawal, and should be reported to your doctor. Severe side-effects can indicate an overdose of Fioricet which can be fatal; if you think you have overdosed on Fioricet, seek emergency medical help immediately. It may be necessary to come off Fioricet slowly in gradually decreasing doses to avoid negative side-effects and withdrawal; this should be discussed with the treating physician prior to stopping Fioricet.

Despite its risks, Fioricet is a very effective medicine for controlling tension-related headaches and migraines. When used as directed and under the continued supervision of a doctor, the risks of using Fioricet are greatly reduced, and many people have enjoyed great results with this drug. If you suffer from severe or chronic tension headaches, Fioricet may be the right headache medication for you.

Fioricet: Migraine Remedy Medication Or Just Another Headache?

We’ve all had garden variety headaches from time to time. Getting sleep, drinking water, or taking aspirin or Tylenol lets you squash these “tension headaches” (as doctors call them) quickly and easily.

But if you suffer from severe or chronic tension headaches, you know that headaches can take over your work and family life. A study by the American Headache Society shows that 70% of chronic headache sufferers have significant problems with daily functioning because of the headaches.

Migraine sufferers have symptoms in addition to headache; they may spend days each month in a darkened room because the pain and light-sensitivity are unbearable otherwise.

Fioricet: A New Option

Fioricet is one of the drugs that researchers have developed to manage headaches. It has been found to be effective for tension headaches. While studies haven’t shown it to be effective for migraine sufferers overall, some people with migraines seem to find it helpful as well.

Fioricet gets its effect from three different ingredients that attack different “parts” of your headache, just like a good laundry detergent has different ingredients to tackle grease, odors, and dirt.

So how does the dynamic trio work?

Fioricet has three parts, two of which may be old friends:




Butalbital is a barbiturate; like other barbiturates, it has a relaxing effect. Butalbital will help you relax and make you feel a bit drowsy, which seems to help with tension headaches.

Acetominophen is a drug that you may recognize as the active ingredient in Tylenol. It can help with pain relief especially when combined with a relaxant.

Caffeine gives you the “buzz” that you may feel after drinking tea, coffee, or colas, or eating chocolate. Caffeine helps to reduce blood flow to the brain. Many scientists believe that “too much” blood flowing to the brain is part of what causes chronic tension headaches, so caffeine can reduce that effect.

Fioricet as part of your pain-management system

As headache sufferers, anything that might help get our lives back to normal sounds like a God-send. But there a couple of questions you should ask yourself before talking with your doctor about a prescription

• Do I have migraines? If you don’t know, talk about your symptoms with your doctor before deciding that Fioricet is a good fit for you.

• Is operating heavy machinery or doing a lot of driving part of my daily life? If you take a little too much Fioricet of if you’re very sensitive to barbiturates, it can create the feelings and behaviors of someone who has had too much alcohol. Being “drunk” is not a good mix with operating a crane or driving carloads of kids to school, soccer practice, and the library!

• Do I need a pain-killer at least once a day? Fioricet can make you dependent on it. Dependence can lead to “rebound headaches” (headaches as the drug leaves your system) and even more serious health consequences. Your doctor might suggest using Fioricet as a “back-up” medication - to use it for the days where your regular medication doesn’t work. And if you’ve previous experienced dependence on another drug (including alcohol), this medication is not for you.

I’ve Thought It Over, So What’s My Next Step?

Take the prescription to your local pharmacy or on-line drug store so it’s ready for your use at the sign of the first stubborn headache. Discussing any problems or side effects like dizziness or drowsiness with your doctor will help you manage this drug and can make it part of your plan for a pain-free life!